
虎去雄风惊明州,兔开健步跃双城。在2023年中国新年即将临近之际,我们非常高兴地和大家分享一个好消息:位于明州布鲁明顿市的全美最大购物中心“美国商城”(Mall of America) 将协同双城地区华人社区隆重举办年春节大型庆祝活动,时间2023年1月21-22日,地点是繁华的“美国商城”(Mall of America)。这将是明州华人社区和“美国商城”又一次精城合作,共同举办盛大的中国新年庆典,我们期待着您的参与。

中国新年庆典活动现已正式列入 “美国商城”的年度计划。明州华人社区携手“美国商城”在明州最热闹最繁华的地区举办明州历时最长、参与社团最多、活动内容丰富、演出表演最精采的大型春节庆典活动,不仅有利于提升华人在美的影响力,推动中美两国的文化交流,促进旅游事业的发展,扩大经贸往来和增进中美人民友谊,也将为中美文化和商务合作交流提供一个广阔平台。明州华人社区和“美国商城”对此次庆典活动皆寄予厚望。

在北美最大的购物中心 “美国商城”(Mall of America), 人们更是惊喜的发现了装饰红火令人耳目一新的大舞台,在这里大大小小红色的灯笼高高挂起,特制的超大“欢度春节”幕布让人眼前一亮,还有彩色气球搭建的供游人拍照的场景台,将喜庆欢乐的节日气氛渲染的特别浓厚,也给冰天雪地的明州增添了一抹斑斓彩色。




To gain poise, self-confidence, and valuable communication skills, the new generations of Asian Americans aim to change the stereotypes against Asians in America. The Alliance of Minnesota Chinese Organizations, in collaboration with Confidence Building Academy of Minnesota and corporate sponsors, announces to host the first Princess of Asia Year of Rabbit Pageant. 


To Register, click on this link





Girls, up to 18 years old, who have Asian heritage either biologically or being adopted by Asian parents are eligible to apply.


Age Divisions:


Contestants’ age division is decided by her age as of January 1, 2023.


Age Division


Chinese Title


English Title

6 years old and under


Little Rabbit

7-12 years old


Princess Rabbit

13-18 years old


Teen Rabbit


Required Competitions:

1.   社区服务-10%

Community Service takes 10% of the total score. It includes monetary and in-kind donations to people and organizations in need. It also includes your service (in hours) to the society. You will get the full score if you completed any (big or small) community service in 2022.

2.   晚礼服-30%

Formal Wear Competition takes 30% of the total score. Contestants will walk on the stage in the formal dresses of choosing. The dress needs to be appropriate for your age. There should not be noticeable make-up. Contestants will be judged on confidence and poise. The walking pattern is as below:

3.   30秒种自我介绍-30%

Personal Introduction takes 30% of the total score. Contestants will introduce herself into the microphone on stage. The introduction should be 30 seconds or less. You are asked to say your name, age, and something interesting about yourself. Contestants will be judged on public speaking skills and stage presence. 

4.   现场回答问题-30%

On-stage Question takes 30% of the total score. Contestants will draw a question from the Emcee and be given 30 seconds to answer it. The list of potential questions will be emailed to contestants once her registration is completed so that she can prepare them ahead of them. Please DO NOT memorize answers. They will be judged on communication skills and personality. 


Awards and Prizes:


There is one winner in each age division. The prize package is worth more than $1500! The three winners will each receive:

Crown; Banner; Cash $200; Certificate; Professional photoshoot; Gifts from Mall of America; 1-hour consultation from Confidence Building Academy of Minnesota; VIP Appearances at various events; More Sponsor gifts/gift cards/services to come…


Registration Fee is $50 including the orientation and group training from Confidence Building Academy of Minnesota. 


The deadline for registration is January 10, 2023.


The time and place of the orientation and group training is listed below:

Time:9:30-11:30AM on Saturday, January 14, 2023.

Where:1399 Eustis Street, St. Paul, MN 55108


The time and place of the Inaugural Princess of Asia Year of Rabbit Pageant is as following:

Time: 1:00-2:00PM on Sunday, January 22, 2023 (The Lunar New Year)

Where:Rotunda, Mall of America 


Contact person: Meiyuan 612-968-1018

Email: AMCO1866@gmail.com




王平 王敏(负责人) 刘奋发 李华志 高寰 颜炳文(负责人)



程汝钊(负责人)、王颖智、王贵生、Will Ahern、颜炳文等




3、主持团队: 罗晓燕团队



6、视频制作录像:Will Ahern 团队

7、照像:  刘公平、李华志




Alliance of Minnesota Chinese Organizations (AMCO)  明州华人华侨社团联合会 
Hua Xing Arts Group of Minnesota  明尼苏达华星艺术团 
Chinese American Association of Minnesota 明州中美联谊会
Center for Community Service  明州社区活动中心

Supporting Organizations


Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Chicago  中国驻芝加哥总领馆
Chinese American Chamber of Commerce-MN  明州华人商业联合总会 
University of Minnesota China Center 明尼苏达大学中国中心
Minnesota Chinese Chamber of Commerce  明州华人商会
Rahr Corporation Rhar Corporation
Asian Media Access  亚洲传媒
Wells Fargo  美国富国银行
Causey & Ye Law, P.L.L.C.  考西叶氏律师事务所

Participating Organizations 


Alliance of Chinese Culture and Arts, USA 美中文化艺术联合会
Beijing Association of Minnesota 北京同乡会
Blake School Blake School
CAAM Chinese Dance Theater  CAAM中国舞蹈学校
China Insight  中国展望
China Tribune  华兴报
Chinese American Alliance 美国华裔联盟 
Chinese American Culture and Friendship 中美文化友谊会
Chinese Musical Gallery 乡音筝苑
ClearComet Ventures, LLC ClearComet Ventures, LLC
Confidence Building Academy of Minnesota Confidence Building Academy of Minnesota
Hongfa Law Firm  鸿发律师事务所
Hua Xia Chinese School  华夏中文学校
Hunan Folks Association   明州湖南同乡会
Jiangsu Association of Minnesota  江苏同乡会
Kang Le Adult Daycare Center   康乐老年中心
Kuai Le Chorus  快乐合唱团
Legacy Performing Arts Legacy Performing Arts
Lin Qiu & Ye Yu Music Studio  裘琳 & 余野音乐学校
Ma Mei Music Studio   马梅音乐工作室
Minnesota China Friendship Garden Society   明州中国友好花园协会
Minnesota Chinese Cuisine Association  明州餐饮协会
Minnesota Chinese Opera  北美曲苑
Minnesota Chinese IT Association 明州华人信息技术协会
Minnesota Minghua Chinese School 明华中文学校
Minnesota Minghua Chinese School-Ledian Campus 明华中文学校乐点分校
Minnesota Times  明州时报
Minnesota Traditional Chinese Medicine Association  明州中医协会
Minnetonka School District 明尼唐卡学区
MNChineseLife.com 明州华人生活网 
National America Miss Minnesota National America Miss Minnesota
Overseas Chinese Service Center of Minnesota  华助中心(明尼苏达) 
Qilu Business Association of North American 北美齐鲁商会
Shaanxi Folk Association  明州陕西同乡会
Shen Pei Art Studio  沈蓓艺术工作室
The Youth Overseas Chinese Culture Exchange Foundation 中国青少年海外文化交流基金会
The Association  for Chinese American for Social Justice  美国华人联盟
Tonka.TV Tanka.TV
Twin Cities Chinese Dance Center  双城华人舞蹈中心
University of Minnesota Chinese Students and Scholars Association  明尼苏达大学中国学生学者联谊会
University of Minnesota Chinese Flagship Program  明尼苏达大学中文领航项目
University of Minnesota Music, Opera Theatre  明尼苏达大学音乐系
Vietnamese Traditional Music of Minnesota Vietnamese Traditional Music of Minnesota
Xin Xing Academy   新星小学
Xu Qian Music Center  许倩乐坊
Yinghua Academy 英华中文学校
Yucai Chinese School  育才中文学校
To Be Continued To Be Continued