明州华裔童子军以实际行动支持美国总统参选人杨安泽(Andrew Yang)。从活动筹款开始,童子军们听说杨安泽要来明州感到非常兴奋,而且事前做功课,观看杨安泽在CNN的“市政厅会议”视频,并且预先拟就了下列问题:
Chris Yan’s Question: How can you help the immigrants to get green cards?
Jason Wang’s question: Norway has one of the lowest recidivism rate in the world(20%), and their prisons are almost entirely focused on rehabilitation. Do you think that it would be possible for the U.S. to look at their system and use it as a standard for reducing mass incarceration? Or , would it be too “humane” , and doesn’t achieve the punishment aspect?
Matthew Liu's question: Why do you want the minimum voting age to be 16? Is there data that 16-year-olds are mature enough to make their own decisions rather than from their parents, siblings, teachers, and etc.
Hubert He’s question: One of your policies is the implementation of a universal basic income(UBI). Where will the money for a system like this come from?
Alex Nelson’ s question: What are the plans you have to minimize the U.S. carbon footprint in terms of your proposed Green New Deal?
Kevin Song’s question: What differentiates you from the rest of the crowded democratic candidates (besides your race)?
Ben Yu’s question: f you get into office, what do you think the effect on the Asian minority in America would be?
当天童子军们提前二十分钟就到达了现场,来自西北区9416小分队的三位还穿上了正规的制服。他们一到场就听从组织者SK Lo的安排积极行动起来,帮助装饰现场,摆设桌椅餐具和食物,做好了迎接杨安泽的各项准备。
演讲结束后,杨安泽和童子军们一一握手致谢。进入室内后又和童子军团队及其家长合影并签名留念, 这是一幕非常难得一见的场面。有现场来宾事后向童子军家长表示,当他们看到演讲台上一个个站在杨安泽身旁英俊帅气的华裔童子军时,不但为他们敢于打破华人刻板形象、热心参政议政、挺身而出支持总统参选人杨安泽而激动得热泪盈眶,更让他们看到了我们亚裔美国人的未来和希望。
我们期望华裔童子军努力学习,全面提高自身素质,团结协作,铭记誓言(“On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty, to God and my country, and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”),全面参与国家政治、经济和科技建设。自古英雄出少年,青出于蓝而胜于蓝,天下将来是他们的,希望他们时刻准备着。