
《美华史记 第一卷》
纪念亚太月 Historical Record of Chinese Americas Vol. 1 美华史记第一卷在Amazon 上架。 本书包括从美华史记170 多篇文章中精选出来的14 篇,中英文双语,图文并茂。特别适用于K-12 教授华裔历史及贡献。从主编到每一个作者编辑都是义工,谨以此书作为对2022 年亚太月的献礼。


The Chinese American history has not been written to be served for the textbooks for the American public education system, and later generations can only learn about Chinese American history from sporadic articles since the day the first Chinese landed in the U.S., two hundred and thirty-seven years ago in 1785. To this day, the history of Chinese Americans has not been systematically and continuously recorded; even just a piece of discrete story, a related historical event or a figure was not fully understood and recorded, leaving a historical gap that needs to be filled for Chinese Americans to record the Chinese History in the U.S. correctly and precisely throughout those 237 years.
Since September 2017, the “History of Chinese Americans “has carefully reviewed and written a series of individual articles of many lives, and historical events of the Chinese people in the American continent. “Historical record”, as the name suggests, refers to the text of human history, which has become an urgent need for historical research and development in a complete and truthful manner before many major historical events in the U.S. and China in this period being forgotten, and that has summarized and written eloquently about the Chinese American history in such way that is easily memorized by most readers who are Chinese or not, generations to come.
As we all know now, the history of Chinese Americans is a history of tears and hard struggles. In the United States, the history of the Chinese is about 237 years long, and it can be seen from historical records that the first three or four Chinese sailors arrived in Baltimore by boat on August 9, 1785, leaving a Chinese footprint on the American mainland. They had been “coolies” (hard labors) because they could not bear the poverty of their hometown and because of years of war, they signed a long-term labor contract to some companies in the U.S., with their greatest wish at that time was to earn money and return home alive.
In the mid-19th century, Chinese workers helped the U.S.’s tight labor market to pan for gold, build railways, and develop the western region, making great contributions to the construction of the United States and economic development. Later, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there was another sixty-year-long Chinese exclusion law, and thousands of Chinese workers were forced to embark on a tragic journey to move to various places. Whether it was as a “Chinese worker” who came to the United States to build the Pacific Railway, participated in the gold rush in the west, was sent to the U.S. as a student because of Gengzi’s indemnity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxer_Indemnity_Scholarship), or joined U.S. army forces to fight in the WW2, the population of Chinese people in the United States has increased, and at the same time, the fatherland in the Far East has also developed and become stronger and stronger amid suffering.
Today, the population of Chinese Americans in the United States is about 5 million, and they have achieved their due socio-economic status through the efforts of generations. When the Chinese in the U.S. have opened the road to survival and rise with their wisdom and diligence, they have not forgotten the honor, family, responsibility, and dedication to this country, and they have always shown their traditions of being diligent and thrifty, working hard and without complaining. Along the way, there are members of Congress, academic elites, political leaders, financial giants, art, and sports stars, etc. among the Chinese people today, and yet, there are still many Chinese who work hard and silently dedicate to this society with low wages. So, how to make the history of the Chinese Americans recorded in a more precise context, so that future generations can trace through ethnic research historical materials to find out their ancestors’ contributions to the nation.
As the result, this group of grassroots Chinese Americans from all over the United States, including professional authors, media reporters, freelance writers, historians, engineers, researchers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc., have joined the “History of Chinese Americans” writing team, without any financial support, with the awareness of volunteer service, has been using “Chinese American For Social Justice” as the platform, that opened this amazing Chinese American historical writing project, which can be described as a journey of thousands of miles beginning with a single step. Under the pen of these Chinese Americans from different occupations, different educations, different ages, and different ancestral origins, there are the life courses of the Chinese ancestors, the historical events of different eras, and the perception of the contrast between the present and the past… The reader’s vision begins to appear one after another to write Chinese history in an orderly manner.
These individual articles are a process of information collection, which can not only meet the reader’s interest as the fulcrum of reading, but also achieve the combination of dots and lines to observe, study, and think about historical content. When accumulated to a certain number, history will slowly connect dots into lines and lines into surfaces, forming a historical record of real macro significance in the horizontal and vertical directions, thus leading the Chinese Americans to learn to view the growth process of the Chinese ethnic group deeply and rationally on the road of democratic politics in the U.S. in history.
The goal of “History of Chinese Americans” is to review history, warn future generations, educate compatriots, and think about the future, which is a long-term task and has a long way to go, and its significance is self-evident.
Adhering to the rational attitude of “writing history, educating the public, defending the rule of law, and self-restrained”, from the perspective of objectivity and fairness and no political prejudice, they reproduced the history of the Chinese in the United States for more than two hundred years, leaving a rich spiritual and cultural wealth of humanistic history for future generations and historical research.
Chinese American history is, in fact, American history.